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Four miles, and four minutes, from Hanes Mall in Winston-Salem, NC

For four generations, since 1940
All NEW riders:
Buy one lesson,
and get a complimentary lesson.

"Horses Raise Great Kids & Inspire All" ™

Proud Distributors of

From the moment my daughter and I walked into Cash Lovell Stables, our lives were transformed. The horses, the staff and the "Make yourself at home!" atmosphere bring us back multiple times a week. What started as one free riding lesson has turned into life lessons, and a second home, for all three of my children.

~ Joanna Marsella

Cashlyn Lovell, 4th generation horsewoman, riding and teaching multi-disciplines of riding, all based on a balanced, safe seat of riding.
See her in the video to the right.
Welcome to Cash Lovell Stables
in Winston-Salem, NC
Providing horseback riding lessons
for four generations, since 1940

"Horses Raise Great Kids and Inspire All"®

A documentary about the Cash Lovell Family,
"Pee Wee Lovell" recently earned Best of Festival Human Interest Documentary at the Equus Film Festival in NY in November 2017.
Pee Wee Lovell film trailer
Cashlyn and Parker Lovell receive no royalties from the film produced by Orr Media.

CLS: Where every day, we work with God's Grandest creatures: His children, horses, dogs,
GOATS, and a mighty well-dressed pig too!

"The horses are part of the family, like our children." ~ Magali Delgado
Co-founder of Cavalia and now EQI cheval libre, Delgado and Frederic Pignon have performed in front of more than two million spectators.
They are exceptional equestrian artists and visionaries,
mentors and friends to Cashlyn & Parker Lovell
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